Spain: Cabinet approves reduction to income tax rates
The Spanish Cabinet on June 20, 2014, approved the downsizing the corporate and individual income tax rates to encourage investment and employment. Under the revised plans, the corporate tax rate will fall from 30% to 28% in 2015 and to 25 percent
See MoreFrance: Adopted Amending Finance Bill for 2014
The Council of Ministers of France adopted the Amending Finance Bill for 2014 on 11 June 2014. According to the adopted bill the temporary surtax on the corporate income tax for large companies will be eliminated on 30 December 2016. The thresholds
See MoreIsrael: New Case Law on Tax Residency
The High Court of Justice gave its decision on June 12, 2014, in the case of: Michael Sapir vs Kfar Saba Assessing Officer, about the tax residence of a married individual. The Court supported the District Court decision that the taxpayer was a
See MoreChile: Claim for education tax break rise of 16%
Chile's Internal Revenue Service (SII) reported that 284,494 taxpayers have claimed a tax rebate for expenses regarding children’s education this year, an increase of 16% from previous year. The total amount claimed was CLP25.45bn (USD45.84m),
See MoreEgypt: New capital gains tax introduced
Egypt’s finance minister has announced the introduction of a 10% capital gains tax on profits made on the stock market. The council of ministers also agreed to impose a 10% tax on net capital gains that individuals make at the end of the tax
See MoreRussia: Clarification of tax treatment of income derived from alienation of immovable property
The Ministry of Finance has issued Letter No. 03-08-05/13287 on March 26, 2014 describing the income tax treatment derived by an Israeli individual from alienation of an immovable property situated in Russia. Article 6 of the Israel - Russia Income
See MoreIRS warns filing deadlines for US Expats
US citizens and resident living overseas who are eligible for an automatic two-month extension after the regular April 15 tax filing date must file their 2013 federal income tax returns by June 16. Since 15 June is Sunday this year taxpayers get one
See MoreRomania holds over progressive personal income tax rates
Due to several technical issues relating to tax submission and payments, the Romanian Government will not yet implement a progressive income tax regime for individuals, Romania's Finance Minister, Ioana Petrescu, has said. The current income tax in
See MoreGreece’s Prime Minister has promised to slash taxes
It has been promised by the Greece's Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras to cut taxes "everywhere” to substantiate the Government's goal as to reduce the corporation tax to 15 percent, the highest rate of income tax to 33 percent and slash the rate of
See MoreCanada -Australia ITT regarding income of employee on a short-term secondment
The Australian Taxation Office has published Interpretative Decision ATO ID 2014/20 on May 30, 2014 regarding the income of a non-resident individual engaged by a resident employer resident in Canada is taxable in Australia despite that the employee
See MorePortugal: Tax Burden Rises In 2013
The organization Statistics Portugal has reported that the tax burden went up by 8.1 percent in 2013 compared to 2012. This was in large part because of an increase in direct taxes although some of the rise was also due to a tax amnesty. Indirect
See MoreNew Zealand Funding Increased Tax Compliance Drive
The Inland Revenue Department (IRD) is to receive an additional NZD132m in government funding over five years to increase its tax compliance drive. Some of this is for investing in compliance enforcement, while some will cover tax that must be
See MoreIrish Personal Income Tax Cuts may be Needed
The American Chamber of Commerce Ireland has suggested that the high marginal individual income tax rates in Ireland combined with the low threshold for the highest rate create an obstacle to attracting key personnel. This also causes a cost burden
See MoreFrance Plans Higher Exempt Threshold for Low Earners
The French Prime Minister intends to take around 650,000 low income individuals out of the direct tax net by adjusting the personal income tax thresholds. Taxpayers with income up to around EUR 15,000 would not be paying income tax after these
See MoreAustralia Confirms Superannuation Tax Changes
A reform is to be undertaken of the taxation of excess superannuation contributions. Some taxpayers are paying contributions at a rate that is considered excessive by many people in Australia. Currently non-concessional contributions exceeding the
See MorePortugal Discloses Tax Rates For 2015
Portugal’s medium term economic strategy includes provisions to raise the rate of value added tax (VAT) and social security contribution (TSU). The government also intends to decrease the extraordinary solidarity contribution (CES) on
See MoreIreland: Retailers Call for Personal Income Tax Cuts
The retail industry body Retail Ireland is confident that the retail sector will experience a significant recovery in 2014 and has requested individual income tax cuts to increase the spending power of the public and ensure that the public has more
See MoreSpain Adopts Stability Program Confirming Future Tax Reform
Spain is to publish its plans for reform of the individual income tax system in June 2014. The reform would aim to simplify the tax system to reduce the amount of compliance costs currently incurred by Spanish companies. The reforms are likely to
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