Thailand Increases Bank Tax
From July 31, 2012, all banks in Thailand will have to pay an increased levy to help fund the public debt that arose out of financing their rescue during the 1997 Asian financial crisis. In order that the government will be able to borrow additional
See MoreIndian Service Tax regime will change from 1 July 2012
The Indian Service Tax regime will change from 1 July 2012. Currently, Service Tax, part of the Indian VAT CENVAT regime, is charged on services at varying, codified rates. This is now moving to a ‘Negative List’ system, meaning that all
See MoreArgentina: Import Taxes on Luxury Vehicles are increased
To support its domestic car manufacturing industry the Argentine government has announced a change to the country’s customs duty regime and introduced higher taxes on imported vehicles and motorbikes. According to the statement through a
See MoreTax Cuts in Brazil
The Brazilian Finance Minister announced a number of tax cuts, including financial transactions tax, known as IOF. According to this plan, foreign purchases of corporate bonds with maturities of over four years, and local equities, would be no
See MorePhilippines : Urge for tax exemptions by the foreign airlines
Foreign airlines are forcing the Philippines’ Department of Finance to reduce the 2.5% Gross Philippine Billings Tax (GPBT) and the 3% Common Carrier’s Tax (CCT) to which they are subjected. The GPBT and CCT are levied on all revenues,
See MoreMineral resources rent tax demanded by an Indian state
Orissa has more than 35% of India’s iron ore reserves. Considering the potentially huge amount of money to be made not just benefitting a small group of private mining companies, the Chief Minister of Orissa has asked the Indian Prime Minister to
See MoreIndian coal mining industry faces tax hit
Indian draft Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act added new provisions requiring non-coal mining companies to contribute 100% of their royalty to the proposed District Mineral Foundation, and coal mining companies to contribute 26%
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