On 21 August 2023, the Government of Anguilla announced the suspension of exchanges and the sharing of tax information with Russia and Belarus in solidarity with the United Kingdom (UK) Government.

Tax information is exchanged as part of a collaboration to address the risks related to tax compliance. As a result, Anguilla exchanges tax information with Russia and Belarus under the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters.

The suspension coming into effect from 21 August 2023 will mean that Russia will no longer receive information under any of Anguilla’s exchange of information agreements: Exchange of Information on Request (EOIR), Common Reporting Standard (CRS) or Country by Country Reporting (CbCR).

As advocated by the UK, the exchange of information would be inappropriate because it would only help Russia and Belarus economically. The suspension of tax information exchange ensures that Anguilla does not provide Russia or Belarus with information that could result in a higher tax benefit.