As stated by the Health Minister of the country, South Korea will bring in changes on graphical warnings on cigarette packs commencing from December, South Korea has already been mentioning about graphical warnings to Tobacco companies since 2016. Furthermore, they also mentioned about the requirements –

  • The images should be placed on upper part of both sides of the packet.
  • The images should cover more than 30% of both sides of the packet.
  • The warnings in the images should undergo an update every 24 months as an incentive to maintain the intention of curbing smoking.

The graphical images consists of images of several diseases and side-effects people suffer from due to smoking such as – lung cancer, heart attack , stroke and side-effects like skin aging, premature death, dangers of second-hand smoke. The new images will be set on the packs starting from 23 December 2018, after the approval of the committee consisting of eight civilian experts and four government officials.