Italy’s Ministry of Economy and Finance approved the revised synthetic indexes of taxpayer reliability (Indici Sintetici di Affidabilità fiscale, ISA) for specific business sectors for the 2023 tax period; issued a decree on 29 April 2024, published in the Official Gazette No. 212 on 10 September 2024.

These adjustments impact sectors such as law firms, retail clothing, footwear, leather goods, hospitality (both hotel and non-hotel), outdoor accommodation, and passenger land transport.

The revisions account for economic shifts driven by geopolitical tensions, fluctuating energy and food prices, and rising interest rates.

The ISA serves as a statistical tool that evaluates the reliability of taxpayers based on economic data from multiple fiscal years. The assessment derived from these indices can lead to various benefits for taxpayers, including simplified administrative procedures and exemptions from regulations concerning dormant companies. The adjustment of these indices is a response to the changing economic conditions, aiming to ensure that the assessment remains relevant and fair.