Belgium’s Parliament has adopted the changes to the Pillar Two global Minimum Tax Rules approved for multinational enterprises and large-scale domestic groups in December, 2023. The amendments will be enforced for fiscal years beginning from 31 December, 2023.

The amendments include the following provisions:


  • Establish a legal basis for registering in-scope groups in the Belgian commercial register. This is necessary to obtain a unique registration number to meet Belgian compliance requirements.
  • Implementing a requirement to submit an additional form detailing the income inclusion rule (IIR) and the undertaxed payment rule (UTPR).

GloBE computation

  • Change the definition of qualified refundable tax credit to include the concept of marketable transferable tax credits.
  • Implement the election allowing the inclusion of all dividends from portfolio shareholdings (<10%) in GloBE income and loss.
  • Establish a limitation on the deductibility of domestic minimum top-up tax (DMTT) from the jurisdictional top-up tax.
  • Specify that the rule excluding deferred taxes related to tax credits is not applicable in the case when substituting loss carry-forward deferred tax assets.
  • Amend the definition of adjusted covered domestic taxes.
  • Enact a transitional rule for blended controlled foreign corporation (CFC) systems, such as GILTI (Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income).

Safe harbours

  • Establish a permanent safe harbour for the qualified domestic minimum top-up tax (QDMTT) and non-material constituent entities.
  • Implement the transitional UTPR safe harbour and integrate the hybrid arbitrage rules within the transitional country-by-country (CbC) reporting safe harbours.


  • Amend the charging provisions related to Partially Owned Parent Entities (POPEs).
  • Revise the definition of the transition year and the rule excluding international activity in the initial phase to ensure compatibility with global standards.