On 21 November 2022 the WTOâs Committee on Market Access held the fifth of a series of experience-sharing sessions on trade in goods related to the pandemic. The session looked at the main lessons learned from the pandemic and was preceded by a special session with external stakeholders, giving them an opportunity to share views on the various policy responses to the pandemic.
Discussion with external stakeholders
At the session with external stakeholders, speakers from the private sector, academia and other international organisations provided their views on how international trade in goods has been impacted by the pandemic and which lessons should be learned to be better prepared for future emergencies.
The panel included representatives of the OECD, DHL and Western Union, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the medical technology group Medtronic. Real-life examples were presented to show the effects of the pandemic on the financial performance of companies and how they could carry on their business operations during the pandemic.
The presentations looked at the effect of public policy changes on the short-term response to the pandemic and the effect of the pandemic on supply chains and investment decisions in the private sector. The discussion looked at how different types of policy regime led to better or worse supply side responses. The panellists emphasised the need for a certain degree of alignment in goods classification by WTO member countries and the need to increase transparency around public policy interventions.
The information sharing was relevant to policy makers in assessing the impact of trade policy choices on cross-border trade in the pandemic. Analysis of successful policy interventions can boost preparedness for future international crises. Trade policy is very important because WTO members obtained access to essential medical products in the crisis through engaging in international trade.
The session confirmed the value of enhanced transparency in supply chains and in policy measures adopted; the importance of international collaboration and cooperation; and the value of public-private dialogue in decision-making.
Experience sharing session
In the experience-sharing session India gave a presentation on the type of measures introduced by the government to ease trade in essential medical goods during the pandemic, analysing the political choices behind the decisions.
The WTO members generally supported the proposal to continue information sharing with the participation of other stakeholders, to further explore the effect of the pandemic on trade in goods.
Previous experience sharing sessions
The four previous experience-sharing sessions looked at the definition of lists of essential goods to fight the pandemic; challenges related to tariff classification; monitoring and measuring trade in essential goods to combat the pandemic; and ways to improve data collection at a time of crisis. The WTO members also shared their practices on measures to facilitate trade in essential medical goods in the pandemic, including tariff suspensions, reductions or eliminations.
In the session held on 16 September 2022 the WTO members discussed their experience and practices in relation to export restrictions during the pandemic and looked at the lessons learned that could prepare the international trade community for future crises.