The US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Treasury released a corrected version of Notice 2024-41, on Friday, 24 May, 2024, which provides additional guidance regarding the domestic content bonus credit for clean energy facilities and projects constructed with the required amounts of domestically produced iron, steel, and manufactured goods.

Specifically, on page 16, in the left column of the Solar PV Table in Table 1 – New Elective Safe Harbor, the following applicable project components (APC) were omitted from Table 1: Steel Photovoltaic Module Racking, Pile or Ground Screw, and Steel or Iron Rebar in Foundation, and the word “Total”.

Notice 2024-41 modifies an existing safe harbor and provides a new elective safe harbor for determining domestic content bonus credit amounts.

The previous version of the notice was published on 16 May, 2024.