The US Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has released new and revised FAQs concerning beneficial ownership reporting requirements, effective 1 January, 2024. The new FAQs were issued on 8 July 2024.

FinCEN has prepared the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in response to inquiries received relating to the Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Rule and Beneficial Ownership Information Access and Safeguards Rule.


A. 3. Under the Corporate Transparency Act, who can access beneficial ownership information?

FinCEN will permit Federal, State, local, and Tribal officials, as well as certain foreign officials who submit a request through a US Federal government agency, to obtain beneficial ownership information for authorised activities related to national security, intelligence, and law enforcement. Financial institutions will have access to beneficial ownership information in certain circumstances, with the consent of the reporting company. Those financial institutions’ regulators will also have access to beneficial ownership information when they supervise the financial institutions.

C.12. Do beneficial ownership information reporting requirements apply to companies created or registered before the Corporate Transparency Act was enacted (January 1, 2021)?

Yes. Beneficial ownership information reporting requirements apply to all companies that qualify as “reporting companies” (see Question C.1), regardless of when they were created or registered. Companies are not required to report beneficial ownership information to FinCEN if they are exempt (see Question C.2 and, generally, Section L) or ceased to exist as legal entities before 1 January, 2024 (see Question C.13).

C. 13. Is a company required to report its beneficial ownership information to FinCEN if the company ceased to exist before reporting requirements went into effect on January 1, 2024?

A company is not required to report its beneficial ownership information to FinCEN if it ceased to exist as a legal entity before 1 January, 2024, meaning that it entirely completed the process of formally and irrevocably dissolving. A company that ceased to exist as a legal entity before the beneficial ownership information reporting requirements became effective 1 January, 2024, was never subject to the reporting requirements and thus is not required to report its beneficial ownership information to FinCEN.

Although state or Tribal law may vary, a company typically completes the process of formally and irrevocably dissolving by, for example, filing dissolution paperwork with its jurisdiction of creation or registration, receiving written confirmation of dissolution, paying related taxes or fees, ceasing to conduct any business, and winding up its affairs (e.g., fully liquidating itself and closing all bank accounts).

If a reporting company (see Question C.1) continued to exist as a legal entity for any period of time on or after 1 January, 2024 (i.e., did not entirely complete the process of formally and irrevocably dissolving before 1 January, 2024), then it is required to report its beneficial ownership information to FinCEN, even if the company had wound up its affairs and ceased conducting business before 1 January, 2024.

C. 14. If a reporting company created or registered in 2024 or later winds up its affairs and ceases to exist before its initial BOI report is due to FinCEN, is the company still required to submit that initial report?

Yes. Reporting companies created or registered in 2024 must report their beneficial ownership information to FinCEN within 90 days of receiving actual or public notice of creation or registration. Reporting companies created or registered in 2025 or later must report their beneficial ownership information to FinCEN within 30 days of receiving actual or public notice of creation or registration. These obligations remain applicable to reporting companies that cease to exist as legal entities—meaning wound up their affairs, ceased conducting business, and entirely completed the process of formally and irrevocably dissolving—before their initial beneficial ownership reports are due. If a reporting company files an initial beneficial ownership information report and then ceases to exist, then there is no requirement for the reporting company to file an additional report with FinCEN noting that the company has ceased to exist.