The UAE Federal Tax Authority has released a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on its Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax (DMTT) webpage to clarify the new legislation. Here are the key questions addressed:

  1. Has the OECD reviewed the legislation and given it qualified status?
  2. Why did the UAE choose not to implement the Income Inclusion Rule (IIR)?
  3. The UAE’s DMTT rules allow some deviations from the GloBE rules. Why were certain variations made, such as why the Cabinet decision does not exclude non-wholly owned entities?
  4. Why do some articles in the legislation refer to themselves, like Article 9.1.5 in Cabinet Decision 142 of 2024?
  5. Is Financial Accounting Net Income and Loss based on local accounting standards or Consolidated Financial Statements? If based on local standards, will this cause Safe Harbour issues?
  6. Will the UAE adopt the OECD’s Administrative Guidance and Commentary as is, or are changes expected?
  7. If I am exempt from UAE Corporate Tax or qualify for the 0% rate as a Qualified Free Zone Person, do I need to comply with Cabinet Decision No. 142 of 2024 regarding the Top-up Tax on Multinational Enterprises?
  8. Why is the Cabinet Decision dated 2024 when it was published in 2025?
  9. Why does the English version in the Official Gazette not reference an actual law? Is this a mistake?
  10. I am exempt from UAE Corporate Tax or eligible for the 0% rate as a Qualified Free Zone Person. Do I need to comply with Cabinet Decision No. 142 of 2024?
  11. There is conflicting advice in the market. Where can I get clarification from a trusted source?
  12. When can we expect further guidance?

Earlier, the UAE Ministry of Finance published a copy of Cabinet Decision No. 142 of 2024, detailing the country’s Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax (UAE DMTT) law.