The income tax treaty between Estonia and Pakistan officially entered into force on 30 April, 2024, marking a significant milestone in bilateral economic relations.

Signed on 20 November, 2023, this historic agreement is the first of its kind between the two nations.

Key Points of the Treaty:

  • Taxes Covered: Applies to income taxes in both Estonia and Pakistan, including Pakistan’s super tax.
  • Residence: Clarifies how residency for tax purposes will be determined if someone is considered a resident of both countries.
  • Withholding Tax Rates: Sets specific withholding tax rates on various types of income, including
    • Dividends: 12.5%
    • Interest: Generally, 12.5%, but exempt for government entities and certain loans
    • Royalties: 10%
    • Technical Service Fees: 10%
  • Business Presence: A company will be considered to have a permanent establishment in a country if it provides services there for more than 183 days in a year.
  • Dispute Resolution: If tax authorities disagree on how to apply the treaty, the issue can be brought to arbitration.
  • Capital Gains: Specifies which capital gains can be taxed by each country, such as those from real estate or business assets.
  • Double Taxation Relief: Outlines how each country will avoid taxing the same income twice. Estonia will generally credit taxes paid in Pakistan, while Pakistan may offer a tax deduction for dividends under certain conditions.
  • Anti-Abuse: Includes measures to prevent people from using it to unfairly reduce their tax burden.
  • Effective Date: Applies in Estonia from 1 January, 2025, and in Pakistan from 1 July, 2024.

This new tax treaty is expected to boost business and investment between Estonia and Pakistan by providing greater tax certainty and reducing administrative burdens.