Transfer Pricing Brief: December 2013
Australia The ATO's Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) team is undertaking a compliance initiative called the International Structuring and Profit Shifting Project (ISAPS project). Brazil Penalties may also apply for non-reporting of
See MoreTransfer Pricing Brief: October 2013
Azerbaijan A Bill on transfer pricing is being re-introduced to parliament and if approved will take effect from 1 January 2014. Brazil Thin capitalization rules apply to restrict the interest deduction unless the value of the debt does not
See MoreTransfer Pricing Brief: August 2013
Indonesia Certain small and medium enterprises may be taxed on the basis of 1% of turnover. Israel Lower rates apply to companies eligible under the Law for the Encouragement of Capital Investment. Malaysia A Transfer Pricing Audit Framework
See MoreTransfer Pricing Brief: March 2013
Australia OECD Guidelines, the new transfer pricing rules require the provisions of the legislation to be interpreted so as to achieve the most consistency with the OECD Guidelines. Taxation Laws Amendment (Countering Tax Avoidance and
See MoreTransfer Pricing Brief: February 2013
Brazil Alternative methods can be used in the case of fixed interest loans in US dollars or Brazilian Reais. A safe harbour rule applies in respect of documentation requirements for export transactions. Specified margins are required in respect of
See MoreTransfer Pricing Brief: January 2013
Austria The Austrian Independent Fiscal Senate (UFS) in decision UFSW, GZ RV 2515-W/09 suggested that the use of an interquartile or a full range depends on the quantity and quality of results of the benchmarking study. A small sample of six
See MoreTransfer Pricing Brief: December 2012
Belgium From 1 January 2013 capital gains made by companies on the disposal of shares are to be taxed at a rate of 0.4% (plus a 3% crisis contribution). Brazil Under Private ruling 8/2012 of 8 November 2012, contributions to a CCA are allowable if
See MoreTransfer Pricing Brief: November 2012
Chile The CUP method is permitted by Law 20,630 effective from 1 January 2013. As regards to the documentation requirements taxpayers will have to file an annual transfer pricing return containing information on foreign related parties,
See MoreTransfer Pricing Brief: October 2012
Chile The main corporate income tax rate is 20% for 2012. Under Law 20,630 amending the transfer pricing rules where an adjustment is made the shortfall is to be treated as a distribution and taxed at a 35% rate, with a penalty of 5%. Law 20,630
See MoreTransfer Pricing Brief: September 2012
Australia A new subdivision 815-A has been passed in 2012 in respect of treaty equivalent cross-border transfer pricing rules. The Commissioner is empowered to challenge the extent of interest deductions in a situation where the level of related
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