Germany approves tax break for electric vehicles purchases as company cars

05 December, 2014

The Germany Cabinet on December 3, 2014 has approved measures on allowing a tax break for purchasing electric vehicle as company cars. The government of Germany has aimed to have one million electric cars on its roads by 2020 to cut its greenhouse

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Court decides that the provision of tax treaties between Germany & Russia do not obstruct the application of thin capitalization rules

27 October, 2014

The Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow decides that the provision of tax treaties between Germany & Russia do not obstruct the application of thin capitalization rules. The Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow Circuit (FAC) decided in

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Germany: Receives tax warning from EU on the discriminatory taxation of legacies to foreign charities

22 October, 2014

Germany receives tax caution from EU on the discriminatory taxation to foreign charities. The European Commission warns Germany to amend the discriminatory taxation of legacies to foreign charities as the commission observes that it creates an

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A tougher penalties on Voluntary Tax Disclosures Rules has been approved by Germany’s Cabinet

26 September, 2014

Germany's Cabinet approved tougher penalties on voluntary tax disclosures on September 24, 2014. As per the new rules, the maximum amount of outstanding tax that may be voluntarily disclosed without incurring a surcharge will be lowered to EUR25,000

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German Fiscal Stimulus Measures has been called for by the ECB official

23 September, 2014

German Fiscal Stimulus Measures has been called on the German Government by a top European Central Bank (ECB) official and Germany's Deputy Labor Minister to cut taxes on labor. It was argued by ECB Executive Board Member Benoit Coeure and Deputy

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Germany-Israel details of ICTT publishes

27 August, 2014

The Income and Capital Tax Agreement (2014) between Germany and Israel has published in detail. The treaty was accomplished in the German, Hebrew and English languages and it follows the OECD Model. The maximum 10% withholding rates are applied on

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Israel-Germany new Income Tax Treaty signed

21 August, 2014

The new Income Tax Treaty between Germany and Israel has signed on August 21, 2014 that will replace the Germany - Israel Income Tax Treaty (1962), as amended by the 1977 protocol. Further details of the new treaty will be reported

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FATCA between Germany and USA has come into force

06 August, 2014

It was announced by the German Ministry of Finance that a law enabling the implementation of the United States' Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) has come into force on July 23, 2014. The agreement is a type 1A Inter-Governmental agreement

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German Government has refused for a reform of the income tax system to eliminate “cold progression”

06 August, 2014

The German Government has refused calls for a reform of the income tax system to eliminate so-called "cold progression" before 2017. Cold progression, also known as bracket creep, occurs when inflationary wage increases push taxpayers into higher

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US imposes tariffs on Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel From Germany, Japan, and Poland

17 July, 2014

The International Trade Administration (ITA) of the US Department of Commerce (DOC) has issued its affirmative final determinations on July 17, in the antidumping duty (AD) investigations of imports of grain-oriented electrical steel (GOES) from

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Germany: To focus on tax reforms in G7

30 June, 2014

As per German media report of 29 June 2014, Germany wants to focus on tax reform after taking over the presidency of the Group of Seven (G7) next week. Germany emphasized the need for sound public finances to achieve effective growth in the G7

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Germany: Setting up a special unit within the tax investigation department to protect fiscal crime

20 June, 2014

A special unit has been set up by the German federal state of Baden-WĂĽrttemberg within its tax investigation department to protect fiscal crime at federal level. The unit will involve carrying out investigation to trace tax evasion strategies and

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Germany: OECD Report Suggests Lower Labor Taxes

25 May, 2014

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has stressed the need for Germany to implement economic reforms to achieve sustainable growth. The priorities include making the tax system more equitable and environmentally

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German Transition to Electronic Payroll Tax Platform Successful

25 May, 2014

The introduction of an electronic income tax tracking system, ELStAM, has been carried out without any problems, as is shown by the figures to 7 April 2014. This new system has been introduced to deal with tax on wages and more than two million

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German States Agree Tougher Tax Regularization Rules

25 May, 2014

German federal state finance ministers have discussed improvements to the tax system and have decided on action to strengthen the “declaration of non-compliance” that permits residents to regularize their tax affairs without the possibility of

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German Bill Revises Energy Tax Concessions for Industry

25 May, 2014

The Cabinet has given the go-ahead to a Bill to amend the provisions of the renewable energy law. This ensures that the tax concessions given to energy intensive companies are not contrary to EU law, while preserving the competitive nature of energy

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Germany: Draft guidance amending corporate tax loss limitation rules

18 May, 2014

Germany has issued draft guidance to replace prior advice on the corporate tax loss limitation rules. The current guidance was issued in 2008 and although there have not been any changes to the basic provisions in this area the new guidance aims to

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Germany strengthens VAT penalties

18 May, 2014

Germany is to impose stronger value added tax (VAT) penalties in relation to cases where the taxpayer has voluntarily disclosed incorrect amounts on the return. Companies detecting and correcting errors in their VAT returns has tended to be treated

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