France Disclosed 3% Tax on High Income Earners

29 August, 2011

Despite sluggish economic growth, as part of a package of fiscal measures to meet its ambitious deficit reduction targets, the French Prime Minister has introduced an exceptional tax of 3% imposed on the annual income of the top earners in France.

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France: Tax measures for 2011 year-end finance bills announced

29 August, 2011

The French Prime Minister announced some budget and tax measures that aim to reduce France’s deficit, on 24 August 2011 at a press conference. The French Cabinet will examine some of these proposed measures on 31 August and include in the draft of

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France’s Draft Finance Act with 2011 Amendments

06 July, 2011

The French government has recently published the 2011 Amended Draft Finance Act. The significant changes to the legislation that may be applicable to expatriate employees and their employers include: Increase in the wealth tax rates, A new tax

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