The Spanish Ministry of Finance released a draft regulation on Corporate Income Tax on March 18, 2015. Included in the regulations are some transfer pricing changes that are summarized below;
Country-by-country reporting:
- A group of companies (Spanish-resident ultimate parent companies) whose net revenues are equal to or higher than 750 million euros, must file the country-by-country report which is similar to the proposed Annex III of the draft new Chapter V of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines.
- Spain’s MoF will approve a specific tax filing for this country-by-country reporting;
- The filing period is within the 12 months following the end of each tax period.
- Taxpayers belonging to a group whose net revenues are equal or higher than 45 million euros are obliged to keep a Masterfile for the group at the disposal of the Spanish tax authorities;
- The contents of the Master file is similar to the proposed Annex I of the draft new Chapter V of the OECD TP Guidelines, and represents a significant increase in the details and amount of information to be disclosed at group level;
- The Masterfile should be at the disposal of the tax authorities from the deadline for filing the annual corporate income tax return.
Taxpayer’s file
- Spanish-resident companies and permanent establishments (PEs) in Spain belonging to a group whose net revenues are equal to or higher than 45 million euros are also obliged to keep a Taxpayer’s file at the disposal of the Spanish tax authorities;
- The contents of the Taxpayer’s file are similar to the proposed Annex II of the draft new Chapter V of the OECD TP Guidelines, which is basically a transfer pricing study of the related-party transactions;
- The Taxpayer’s file should be at the disposal of the tax authorities from the deadline for filing the annual corporate income tax return.
Documentation exclusions
These include the following transactions:
- Controlled transactions carried out within a tax group;
- Controlled transactions carried out by Economic Interest Groupings or Temporary Business Associations and their members (or other companies of the same tax group);
- Controlled transactions carried out in the framework of the Securities’ Public Offering;
- Those controlled transactions carried out with the same counterparty when the overall value is less than 250,000 euros.
SME’s simplified documentation requirements:
- Companies belonging to groups with revenues up to 45 million euros should include the following:
- Description and amount of the controlled transactions;
- Identification details of taxpayer and the related-parties;
- Transfer pricing method selected;
- Comparable transactions used and the arm’s length value/range derived from them.
- Companies belonging to groups with revenues up to 10 million euros should file a reporting form including:
- Description and amount of the controlled transactions;
- Identification details of taxpayer and the related-parties;
- Transfer pricing method selected;
- Arm’s length value/range.
The draft regulations also include the formal requirements for cost-sharing agreements, the procedure for secondary adjustments and the procedural regulations applying to unilateral/bilateral/multilateral advance pricing agreements (APAs).