The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) will be organising a free webinar on the taxation of investment holding companies on 23 October 2024, according to a release.

The online event is tailored for companies whose principal activity is that of investment holding. An investment holding company owns long-term investments, such as properties and shares, and derives investment income including rental income, dividends and interest, which could be from Singapore or overseas.

New companies and companies not represented by tax agents are encouraged to attend.

Topics of the event include overview of corporate income tax, taxation of investment holding companies, and case studies.

Registration will be accepted on a first come, first served basis, and each participant must use a unique email address to register. To maximise the number of companies that can benefit from the webinar, each company is limited to two participants.

The deadline to register is 18 October 2024.

The webinar materials will be made available after the event.