Serbia has recently enacted a new decree outlining criteria for assessing the negative environmental impact of business activities and determining the corresponding Environmental Protection Fee, also known as the Eco Tax.

The decree categorises negative environmental impacts into three levels: major, medium, and small; with specific activities listed under each category in the decree’s annexes. It stipulates Eco Tax amounts based on the size of the entity and the level of environmental impact, with different rates for large, medium, small, and micro legal entities and entrepreneurs.

The Eco Tax amounts are determined annually, in proportion to the period of activity within the calendar year.

Tax Rates by Environmental Impact and Entity Size

Major Negative Impact:

  • Large: RSD 2,000,000
  • Medium: RSD 500,000
  • Small: RSD 200,000
  • Micro: RSD 20,000

Medium Negative Impact:

  • Large: RSD 1,000,000
  • Medium: RSD 250,000
  • Small: RSD 100,000
  • Micro: RSD 10,000

Small Negative Impact:

  • Large: RSD 500,000
  • Medium: RSD 125,000
  • Small: RSD 50,000
  • Micro: RSD 5,000

Administrative Changes

The deadline for returns has been moved forward from 31 July to 30 April for the year 2024.

A new rulebook for the Eco Tax has been published alongside the decree to provide detailed guidelines and procedures for compliance.

This decree represents a significant step towards enhancing environmental protection measures and promoting sustainable business practices in Serbia.

The decree, published in the Official Gazette on 5 April 2024, became effective the following day.