The OECD has initiated a public consultation on the Draft User Guide for the GloBE Information Return XML Schema.

The Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) Model Rules require the annual filing of a GloBE Information Return (GIR) that provides information on the tax calculations made by an MNE Group under the GloBE Rules.

Recognising the benefits of the consistent implementation of the GIR filing requirements, and following a public consultation process, in July 2023, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (Inclusive Framework) agreed a standardised GIR template to be relied upon by all implementing jurisdictions, as well as an approach for disseminating the contents of the GIR amongst such implementing jurisdictions.

As part of its work on the facilitation of the implementation of the GloBE Model Rules, and with a view to ensuring a consistent, standardised approach to capturing the GIR information, the Inclusive Framework on BEPS is developing a schema in extensible mark-up language (XML) and a corresponding user guide.

A document – which contains a draft version of the GIR XML Schema and User Guide, which is designed to both facilitate domestic GIR filings, wherever appropriate, and to be the technical format for exchanging GIR information between tax administrations – is being released to the public for the purposes of obtaining input from stakeholders to inform the work towards swiftly finalising the GIR XML Schema and User Guide.

The consultation is set to conclude on Monday, 19 August 2024.

Project description

The GIR User Guide is divided into logical sections based on the GIR XML Schema and provides information on specific data elements and any attributes that describe each data element.

The main sections of the GIR Schema User Guide are:

  1. The Message Header with the sender, recipient, message type and Reporting Fiscal Year;
  2. The ID and TIN types, used for providing identifying and TIN information in relation to Constituent Entities, JVs, JV Subsidiaries, and UPEs.
  3. The GloBE Body

The GIR XML Schema is designed to be used for the exchange of information reported under the GIR between competent authorities that have activated exchange relationships under the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement on the Exchange of GloBE Information Returns (“GIR MCAA”), or another Qualifying Competent Authority Agreement.

Where appropriate, jurisdictions could also consider using the schema domestically for the purpose of gathering the required information from their respective Filing Constituent Entities.

How to contribute