The Luxembourg Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority launched new online procedures  N° 821 for submitting subscription tax returns for Undertakings for Collective Investment (UCI), Specialised Investment Funds (SIF), and Reserved Alternative Investment Funds (RAIF) on 15 July 2024.
The new online procedures are now available on the platform.
A two-year transition period, until August 2026, is planned during which both the existing and new reporting systems will operate simultaneously.
The new procedure aims to provide more guidance to the declarant and simplify the operational and declaration control procedures of subscription tax returns.
The main changes in the declaration forms are as follows:
- Additional explanatory notes for the entity submitting the tax return
- Automatic conversion of amounts in currencies other than the euro
- Possibility to submit a provisional tax return only for alternative funds whose net asset value is not yet available
- Modification of the form format to declare CSSF identification numbers for legal entities and for individual compartments if applicable
- Modification of the form format to declare data from the original fund and the target fund for the “fund of funds” exemption
- Introduction of a summary page showing the entered data upon the finalisation of the procedure
Compared to the existing version, the following additional data is required to use the new format:
- CSSF number of the legal entity of the UCI/SIF/RAIF
- CSSF number of sub-funds as needed for the different tax return regimes
- For the “fund of funds” regime, the original fund or sub-fund and the target fund or sub-funds must be identified by the corporate name and the CSSF number
- Identification of the party submitting the tax return (legal entity) by the corporate name and the national identification number (matricule), i.e. the legal entity responsible for the subscription tax form submission