On 19 June 2017, the Irish Revenue published the Tax and Duty Manual Part 41A-05-02 that has been amended in paragraph 1 in relation to the pursuit of outstanding returns and in paragraph 4 in relation to appeal provisions.
According to this manual, where a taxpayer has failed to submit a Form 11, CG1 or CT1, as appropriate, section 959O of the TCA 1997 provides that penalties under section 1052 and 1054 may arise. In addition, a surcharge under section 1084 may apply (refer to Part 47-06-01 of the Tax and Duty Manual). Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 1052, 1054 and 1084, outstanding returns are pursued under the Return Non Filer Programme and, where appropriate, prosecution is considered under section 1078.
Furthermore, where a taxpayer has not filed a return (be that a Form 11, CG1 or CT1), then a Revenue Officer may, under section 959AC, make a Revenue Assessment on that person for the amount of tax, which in the best of the officer’s judgment, is due.