The German Ministry of Finance (MoF) issued a draft bill proposing updates to the list of jurisdictions participating in the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement (MCAA) for the exchange of country-by-country (CbC) reports on 14 November 2024. The updated list includes Albania and Ukraine.

Countries and territories for § 1 of the CbCR extension regulation

Albania Andorra Anguilla Aruba
Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Barbados
Belize British Virgin Islands Bulgaria Faroe Islands
Gabon Gibraltar Haiti Hong Kong
Indonesia Cayman Islands Kazakhstan Qatar
Kenya Colombia Croatia Liberia
Macau Maldives Malta Morocco
Mauritius Monaco Montserrat Oman
Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea Peru
Romania Russian Federation San Marino Saudi Arabia
Seychelles Singapore Thailand Tunisia
Turkey Turks and Caicos Islands Ukraine Hungary
United Arab Emirates Cyprus

The MCAA is a multilateral framework agreement that provides a standardised and efficient mechanism to facilitate the automatic exchange of information. It avoids the need for several bilateral agreements to be concluded. Its design as a framework agreement means the MCAA always ensures each signatory has ultimate control over exactly which exchange relationships it enters into and that each signatory’s standards on confidentiality, data protection and appropriate use of information always apply.