The European Commission has released an update regarding the Sampling Manual for Customs and Tax Authorities (Samancta).

The manual has been relocated to a new website, preserving its content and structure for a seamless user experience. While the layout has been updated, the content and structure remain the same.

Samancta is a comprehensive online manual that provides a unified set of sampling instructions for officers in all EU Member States and beyond.

Its aim is:

  • to improve the quality of samples received for analysis at laboratories,
  • to harmonise procedures across Member States, and
  • to provide constructive guidance to officers on the sampling methods to be used for each type of product.

Samancta gathers comprehensive information on how to take representative samples, with general information on sampling, health and safety, equipment necessary, as well as a series of sampling procedure cards detailing the steps and the key points for each type of product that officers may have to handle.

The manual is supported by a range of multimedia resources, including an e-learning module and a collection of presentations with images showing how to take samples correctly and safely. It is now available at