Colombia: Incentives for investments in non conventional energy sources
On November 4, 2015, the Colombian National Government has released Decree 2143 of 2015, by which the fiscal and customary incentives for investments in non conventional energy sources are regulated, according to the outline of Law 1715 of 2014. For
See MoreOECD: Harmonizing revenue statistics
Representatives of thirteen Asian Finance Ministries and tax administrations met on 14 and 15 October 2015 to consider a framework to increase the comparability of revenue statistics. The countries involved in the meeting were Cambodia, China,
See MoreIndonesia: Issued Regulation on Fixed Assets Revaluation
The Ministry of Finance (MoF) issued Regulation No. 191/PMK.010/2015 (PMK-191) on the revaluation of fixed assets in order to assist taxpayers when the thin capitalization rules are implemented).This regulation is applicable to those companies that
See MoreSlovenia: Changes to corporate income tax law enter into force
The amendments to the Corporate Income Tax Law were published on 3 November 2015, in the Official Gazette No. 83/2015. The Law entered into force on 4 November 2015. The amendments to the Corporate Income Tax Law include: - Implementation of
See MoreUkraine: Draft law proposed to introduce thin capitalization rules
Draft law No. 3357 on amending the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding tax liberalization was registered in the Ukrainian parliament on October 26, 2015. The draft law have proposed several tax measure including thin capitalization rules and distributed
See MoreSpain: Budget for 2016 contains important tax measures
The Spanish government gazetted the details of the Budget for 2016 on 30 October 2015, addressing some significant income tax measures. Corporate income tax Companies whose total annual income does not exceed EUR 75,000 and whose exempt annual
See MoreArgentina -new installment plan for settling tax debts
The Tax Authorities of Argentina have introduced a special installment plan regime General Resolution No. 3806/2015 to settle up tax debts, customs and social security debts. The regime initiates payment plans of up to 120 monthly installments at a
See MoreWorld Tax Brief: October 2015
Denmark Dividends: The Danish Minister of Taxation published a draft bill on 5 October 2015. This draft bill planned to relax the taxation of certain categories of outbound and inbound dividends in order to comply with European Union (EU)
See MoreRomania: Late payment interest and penalties concessions
Romania’s government in October 2015 issued an “emergency ordinance” that allows for the “cancellation” of penalties and interest imposed for the late payment of taxes. The Emergency Ordinance no. 44/2015 supports the general interest of
See MoreSlovak Republic: Concept of ‘company in crisis’ in introduced into Commercial Code
The amendment to the Slovakian Commercial Code introduces the concept of a “company in crisis”. It will be effective from 1st January 2016. A company is regarded ‘in crisis’ if it is: Bankrupt; or The share of its equity and
See MoreDenmark publishes a draft bill to relax the taxation of outbound and inbound dividends
The Danish Minister of Taxation published a draft bill on 5 October 2015. This draft bill planned to relax the taxation of certain categories of outbound and inbound dividends in order to comply with European Union (EU) law. However, the proposals
See MoreIndia Publishes Notification on Use of Arm’s Length Range and Multiple Year Data
Recently, the Central Board of Direct Taxes published 'Notification No. 83/2015' of 19 October 2015 revising the Income-tax Rules, 1962 in relation to the use of range and multiple year data. The Notification amends Rule 10B and introduces Rule
See MoreSingapore publishes e-Tax Guide on tax treatment of gains from the disposal of investments by insurers
Recently, the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) issued an e-Tax Guide (the Guide) on 27 October 2015, which explains how the rules stated in the case of: Comptroller of Income Tax v. BBO ( SGCA 10) (BBO case) are applied to determine the
See MoreArgentina-Double Tax Treaty with Switzerland enters into force
The new Double Taxation Treaty between Switzerland and Argentina will enter into force on 27 November 2015. The new treaty will be applicable from 1 January 2015. For taxes withheld at source the relief has become applicable from 2015. The new
See MoreUK: Two year plan to increase SME awareness of R&D tax relief
Following a consultation on research and development tax relief the UK government has announced a two-year plan to make it easier for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) conducting research and development (R&D) to claim the tax relief. The
See MoreBulgaria: Budget for 2016 published
The Finance Ministry (MoF) has published the Budget for 2016 on 26th October 2015. The MoF included the following measures in this budget: The income tax rate, withholding tax rate, and VAT rate will remain unchanged for 2016 through
See MoreLuxembourg: Electronic filing for company income tax return
Electronic filing is now available for Luxembourg resident company. On 29 October 2015, the Finance Minister declared a new e-filing tool for company income tax return, municipal business and net worth tax return. Initially e-filing process is
See MoreRussia: A draft order regarding tax exchange information published
The Federal Tax Service (FTS) has released a draft order on 26th October 2015 that contains a list (in Russian) of countries and territories which do not exchange tax information with Russia for discussion purposes. According to article 25.13-1 of
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