Vietnam-Turkey DTA signed

16 July, 2014

The Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) between Vietnam and Turkey has signed during four days of meetings concluding on July 9,

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Uruguay- TIEA with Canada entered into force

15 July, 2014

Canada and Uruguay signed a tax information exchange agreement on 5 February 2013. The agreement entered into force on 27 June 2014. The agreement will apply to all taxes   imposed or managed by governments of both countries. In relation to all

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Argentina-Signed TIEA with Armenia

15 July, 2014

Argentina and Armenia signed a tax information exchange agreement (TIEA) on 7 July 2014. The TIEA provides bilateral assistance by the exchange of information related to determination, assessment and collection of taxes, and the recovery and

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Russia – The Central Bank issued FATCA guidance

14 July, 2014

The Central Bank of Russia has issued Bulletin No. 64 (1542) on July 10, 2014 regarding the rules for implementing the FATCA legislation. Central Bank’s guidance is given below: “Punitive withholding” within the Russian territory is not

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FTA negotiation commences between Hong Kong and ASEAN

14 July, 2014

The first round of the proposed free trade agreement (FTA) between Hong Kong and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was held on July 10 and 11. The major area covered in the negotiation include the elimination or reduction of

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Australia and Japan signed an agreement to promote economic relations

13 July, 2014

Australia and Japan signed an agreement to promote economic relations (EPA), in Canberra on 8 July 2014. The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said that, “this is the most liberalizing bilateral trade agreement and if it is fully

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Netherlands has signed a letter of intent with St Maarten and Curacao

11 July, 2014

On July 9, 2014, the Netherlands has reached an agreement with St Maarten and Curacao on a bilateral arrangement to replace the existing Tax Regulation to prevent double taxation and counteract tax evasion. Representatives of the Netherlands and St.

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DTA between Mauritius and Guernsey enters into force

10 July, 2014

Mauritius and Guernsey signed a double tax agreement on 17 December 2017 . The agreement will enter into force from 27 July 2014. In both countries the agreement applies to income tax and will apply to all taxable years commencing on or after 1

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Uruguay- Signing of TIEA with Guernsey

10 July, 2014

Uruguay signed a tax information exchange agreement with Guernsey on 2 July 2014. After entering into force the agreement will apply in Uruguay to income tax and dwellings profits and in Uruguay the TIEA will apply to all taxes imposed or

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Switzerland-Iceland: Signed Double Taxation Agreement

10 July, 2014

Iceland and Switzerland signed double tax treaty on 10 July 2014 and after July 2014; this new treaty will replace the 1988 treaty between Switzerland and

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Kuwait-Slovak Republic DTT details

09 July, 2014

Details of the Kuwait - Slovak Republic Income Tax Treaty (2012) have become available which was signed on November 13, 2012. The treaty was in the Slovak, Arabic and English languages. It generally follows the UN Model (2001). Based on the treaty,

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Israel–Panama Income Tax Treaty enters into force

09 July, 2014

The Income Tax Treaty (2012) between Israel and Panama has entered into force on June 30, 2014 and this generally applies from January 1, 2015 for withholding and other taxes and from June 30, 2011 for the exchange of information. Details of the

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South Korea-Signed DTA with Kenya

09 July, 2014

South Korea and Kenya signed an agreement for the avoidance of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income on 8 July 2014. The agreement includes provisions for the exchange of tax

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Kazakhstan-Singapore DTA protocol ratified

09 July, 2014

The President of Kazakhstan has approved a law on July 1, 2014 to ratify the Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) protocol with

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Turkey-Vietnam Income Tax treaty signed

09 July, 2014

The income tax treaty between Turkey and Vietnam has signed on July 8, 2014 in Ankara. Supplementary details of the treaty will be reported

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India: Payments for BSP link services are not ‘Fees for Technical Services’ under India-France tax treaty by virtue of MFN clause

09 July, 2014

The Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) provided a decision on 11 June 2014 in the case of DDIT v. IATA BSP India  that payment towards BSP Link services is not fees for technical services (FTS) by virtue of the most favored nation (MFN) clause in

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FTA negotiations between South Korea and China by the end of 2014

08 July, 2014

The governments of South Korea and China have agreed on 3 July 2014 to complete their negotiations on free trade agreement (FTA) by the end of 2014. The FTA negotiations between these two countries started in May 2012. Both countries have already

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US-Israel FATCA agreement details

08 July, 2014

The US Treasury Department has published the official text of the intergovernmental agreement (IGA) between the United States and Israel that was signed on June 30, 2014 for implementation of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). The

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