Canada and Poland –Tax treaty enters into force
Poland and Canada was signed income tax treaty on 14 May 2012, which was replaces income tax treaty from 1987. This tax treaty entered into force on 30 October 2013 and the effective date of treaty provisions are contained in Article 27. The treaty
See MoreFATCA agreement between Hungary and United States
The Ministry of National Economy of Hungary announced on 28 October 2013 that Hungary and the United States signed a Model 1 intergovernmental agreement (IGA) regarding the FATCA legislation. The agreement would allow automatic exchange of
See MoreFrench Lawmakers Return to Tax on Energy Drinks
The National Assembly of France has adopted the social security finance bill 2014. The assembly also included an amendment for the introduction of a tax on energy drinks. There are also provisions to harmonize social levy rates imposed on savings
See MoreCanada-Switzerland: Exchange of letters to treaty enters into force
The exchange of letters, signed by Switzerland on June 28, 2012 and by Canada on July 23, 2012, to the Canada - Switzerland Income and Capital Tax Treaty (1997), as amended by the 2010 protocol, entered into force on October 31, 2013 and generally
See MoreAmendment to the Bahrain-China double tax treaty
Bahrain and China have recently amended their 2002 double tax treaty (DTT) by a protocol signed on 16 September 2013. The protocol will enter into force on the 30th day after the exchange of ratification and will apply to income derived during the
See MoreTreaty between Serbia and Vietnam enters into force
The Serbia – Vietnam Income Tax Treaty (2013) entered into force on 18 October 2013,. The treaty generally applies from 1 January 2014. Under the treaty the definition of a permanent establishment generally follows the provisions of the UN Model
See MoreKorea (Rep.) – Poland: protocol treaty signed
Korea (Rep.) and Poland signed a protocol treaty to the Korea (Rep.) on 22 October 2013. Among other changes the protocol updates Article 9 of the original treaty in respect of associated enterprises and adds a new article to the treaty relating
See MoreCzech Republic-Switzerland tax treaty protocol enter into force
The protocol to the agreement regarding the avoidance of double taxation between Czech Republic and Switzerland has entered into force on October 11, 2013 and the real double taxation agreement was signed on December 4, 1995. The protocol covers
See MorePortugal and Spain Strengthen Mutual Tax Assistance
Portugal and Spain recently signed agreements aimed at developing and strengthening mutual assistance in tax matters, and at permitting a direct exchange of tax information between the two countries. This is important as part of the worldwide
See MoreKenya-Turkey DTA sign in 2014
The Turkish and Kenyan governments are ready to sign an agreement on the avoidance of double taxation in 2014 and when a high level Kenyan government representative visits Turkey following year then it will be signed. Both nations signed an contract
See MoreGuernsey Signs TIEAs with Gibraltar and Slovakia
Guernsey's Chief Minister signed a Tax Information Exchange Agreement with his Gibraltar counterpart, on October 22, 2013. The agreement demonstrates that post-G8 Guernsey has maintained its momentum on greater tax transparency. The agreement was
See MoreUK: Exchange of Letters signed to update tax information agreements
The UK government has recently been updating the arrangements for the exchange of tax information with some of its territories. An Exchange of Letters with the Isle of Man updated the 1955 agreement between the UK and the Isle of Man. An Exchange of
See MoreExchange of information agreement between Finland and Niue signed
According to media reports, Niue has recently signed tax information exchange agreements with a number of countries, including New Zealand and some Nordic countries. On 16 October 2013, Niue signed exchange of information agreements relating to tax
See MoreExchange of information agreement between Costa Rica and Norway approved by Costa Rican Congress
On 21 October 2013 the Costa Rican Congress approved on first debate the Costa Rica - Norway Exchange of Information Agreement (2011). When it enters into force the agreement will enable increased cooperation between the tax authorities of Costa
See MoreCosta Rican Congress approves “Exchange of Information Agreement” with Finland
On 21 October 2013, the Costa Rican Congress approved on first debate the Costa Rica and Finland Exchange of Information Agreement (2011). The Agreement is concerned with greater cooperation in the exchange of tax information between the two
See MoreChile: OECD convention for Mutual tax assistance has been signed
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) announced that on October 24, 2013 Chile, as the 59th country, signed the OECD's agreement for mutual administrative assistance in tax. This agreement is being considered as an
See MoreTreaty between Slovenia and United Arab Emirates signed
It is reported that Slovenia and the United Arab Emirates signed a tax treaty on 12 October 2013, during the annual meeting of the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C. The treaty is expected to further the development
See MoreTreaty between Luxembourg and Singapore signed
The Luxembourg – Singapore Income and Capital Tax Treaty (2013) was signed on 9 October 2013 in Washington DC. The treaty is based on the OECD Model Tax Convention. When it will force and in effect, the new treaty will switch the
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