The Austrian Ministry of Finance, published the 2014 Tax Amendment Act (Abgabenänderungsgesetz 2014; AbgÄG 2014), on 9 January 2014. This amending law will make changes to certain Austrian Tax Acts, as follows:
- Limiting tax deductibility of interest and royalty payments to affiliated corporations;
- Limitations in the group taxation rules  including geographical limitation in such rules;
- Removal of rules allowing amortization of goodwill;
- Limitation to the set off of foreign losses;
- Per person and per year limits for the tax deductibility of salaries/wages;
- Limitations to favorable taxation of golden handshakes;
- Discounting of long-term accruals;
- Extension of limited tax liability on interest;
- Increase in the minimum share capital for limited liability companies (GmbHs); and
- Removal of capital duty from 2016.