On 1 March 2017, the Social Security Agreement between Australia and Austria along with its administrative arrangement will enter into force that was signed on 2 August 2016. The agreement and the administrative arrangement will apply from 1 March 2017. From this date, the new agreement and its administrative arrangement will replace the existing agreement of 1992.
Under the Agreement, Australia and the Republic of Austria (Austria) will share responsibility for pensions to people who would not otherwise be entitled because they do not have enough residence in Australia or sufficient periods of contributions to the Austrian insurance scheme. It also helps people who could not otherwise claim because they are living abroad.
The Agreement also reduces costs for businesses operating in both countries through provisions regulating compulsory contributions for seconded workers. Under the Agreement, seconded employees and/or their employer will generally only be subject to the legislation of their home country and are be exempt from making contributions for the same work under the law of the other country.
What payments does the Agreement cover?
In relation to Australia, the Acts forming the social security law insofar as the law provides for, applies to, or affects the following benefits:
- age pension;
- disability support pension;
- carer payment;
- benefits payable to widowed persons; and
- double orphan pension.
In relation to Austria, the legislation regarding pension insurance with the exception of the insurance for notaries and with regard to Part II of the Agreement only, the legislation regarding sickness insurance and accident insurance.
- retirement pension
- early retirement pension
- disability pension
- surviving spouse’s pension
- orphan’s pension
- additional amounts for dependent children
- ‘hiflosenzuschuss’ (helpless person allowance)
- ‘pflegegeld’ (personal care benefit), and
- ‘ausgleichszulage’ (supplementary payment).