The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) registered a gazette notice stating that it will be acquiring sales data from online selling platforms operating in Australia from 2023–24 through to 2025–26. The announcement was made on Monday, 8 July 2024.

The data to be collected include:

  • Client identification details of individuals (given and surname, date of birth, account holder’s addresses, Australian business number, email address, contact phone number);
  • Client identification details of non-individuals (business name, address, Australian business number, contact name, email address, contact phone number);
  • Account details (account name, account identification number, account registration date, account registration type, store type, seller status, IP address, number of annual sales transactions, value of annual sales transactions, number of monthly sales transactions, value of monthly sales transactions).

The objectives of this programme are to:

  • Promote voluntary compliance and increase community confidence in the integrity of the tax and superannuation systems;
  • Gain insights from the data to help develop and implement engagement strategies, which may include educational or compliance activities;
  • Identify and educate individuals and businesses who may be failing to meet their registration or lodgment obligations and assist them to comply;
  • Help ensure individuals and businesses are fulfilling their tax and superannuation obligations.