The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) announced, on 13 November 2024, an extension for the filing deadline of country-by-country (CbC) reporting entities for the year ending 31 December 2023. The deadline has been extended until 31 January 2025.

This deferral applies to local files, master files and CbC reports due to be lodged by 31 December 2024, including those that have a replacement reporting period ending on 31 December 2023.

As the lodgment deferral automatically applies, a separate request is not required. To avoid penalties, entities must ensure that these CbC reporting statements are lodged by 31 January 2025.

A CbC reporting entity is defined in Subdivision 815-E of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. An entity is a CbC reporting entity if it is either:

  • a CbC reporting parent, which can be a standalone entity whose annual global income is AUD 1 billion or more, or a member of a CbC reporting group who is not controlled by another entity in the group and has an annual global income of AUD 1 billion or more;
  • a member of a CbC reporting group and one of the other group members is a CbC reporting parent.

A CbC reporting group may be consolidated for accounting purposes as a single group or a notional listed company group.