Argentina’s tax authority issued General Resolution 5517/2024 on 26 June, 2024, in which it announced the exceptional extension deadline for the 2023 CRS and FATCA reporting.

The new deadline is now set for 31 July, 2024.

Submissions made before 1 July, 2024, will need to be resubmitted using the updated forms.

The General Resolution 5516/2024 took effect on 27 June, 2024, after it was published in the Official Gazette on the same date.

This follows General Resolution No. 4,056 and its amendments established a reporting and due diligence regime for certain local financial institutions regarding accounts whose holders are non-resident subjects under the terms established by the Common Reporting Standards (CRS) by the OECD.

Additionally, an agreement between the United States and Argentina Republic for the Exchange of Information on Tax Matters (TIEA), was signed on 23 December 23, 2016, which authorises the exchange of information for tax purposes, including automatic exchange.

Within this framework Argentina signed the “Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Argentina Republic to Improve International Tax Compliance and implement – FATCA” on 5 December, 2022.