JurAsia invites students and young professionals to participate in an exciting and prestigious international tax law competition Silkway JurAsia InterTax.

This unique opportunity will test your knowledge, demonstrate creativity, and compete for valuable prizes.

Imagine being an experienced tax consultant who has to navigate the tax disputes between two countries – TaxParadiseland and Salyqland. Students and young professionals will face fascinating and challenging tasks related to the application of a double taxation avoidance agreement. They will immerse themselves in the world of international transactions, artificial intelligence, and cloud technologies – with assistance, of course.

A free series of lectures will be provided, covering the topics discussed in the assignments and beyond.

They can impress their current or future employer with their analytical skills, legal arguments, and ability to find innovative solutions. Their knowledge and skills will help resolve complex tax disputes between companies and the tax authorities of TaxParadiseland and Salyqland in the International Tax Court.

Participation in the competition will give them invaluable experience in solving real-world practical cases at the crossroads of tax law, finance, and cutting-edge technologies, as well as the opportunity to attend lectures offered by leading experts in international taxation. They will be able to rapidly expand their knowledge, enhance their skills, and introduce themselves as promising specialists in the field of international taxation.

Moreover, the authors of the best solutions will receive valuable prizes and the opportunity to become interns at leading consulting and law firms.

For more information, please visit https://jurasia.tax/home-eng  or email mootcourt@jurasia.tax.