Goes deeper into the detail of US corporate tax as it applies to international transactions and prepares for US ADIT paper

This course is ideal for those who have been working with US international tax for some time and now wish to explore some of the more complex areas. And because its structure mirrors the syllabus for the US paper of the Advanced Diploma in International Taxation it is ideal preparation for those planning to take that exam. The level of knowledge required will assume that you have either attended the “Introduction to US international taxation” course or already are comfortable to that level.

The compact in-person course has, for 2021, been converted to six, two-hour live sessions via Zoom, which will run from 4-6pm GMT.

One statistic of which we are rather proud is that in four years, one one of our course participants received the medal for the highest mark in an ADIT paper 2 exam, one with a staggering 96%! While all credit must go to the students they have each been kind enough to say that they feel they were more successful thanks to the training course and Narelle MacKenzie’s teaching.

All sessions will be live via Zoom, with full interaction for participants. Call +44 (0)7736 298951 or email deborah@djhinternationaltax.com for more details.


Tuesday, 6 April

Introductions and overview

Basic rules and concepts

Thursday, 8 April

Cross-border: inbound

Tuesday, 13 April

Cross-border: inbound (continued)

US tax treaties

Information reporting and information exchange

Thursday, 15 April

Cross-border: outbound

Tuesday, 20 April

Cross-border: outbound (continued)

Thursday, 22 April

Transfer pricing

Cross border mergers and acquisitions

Foreign trusts

Federal Estate Tax, Federal Gift Tax, State and Local Taxes