On 27 September 2021, the Ministry of Finance has reportedly issued the tax policy guidelines for 2022-2024, which includes the following tax measures:
- The introduction of new corporate and individual tax rules for taxing digital asset transactions in line with the adoption of Federal Law 259-FZ on Digital Financial Assets and Digital Currency;
- A 15% increase in the corporate tax rate on interest income on qualifying ruble-denominated bonds issued by Russian legal entities in the organized securities market so that the rate will apply after 31 December 2021. The reduced tax rate currently applies to bonds issued from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2021.
- The introduction of additional tax benefits for the IT industry;
- The equalization of individual income tax rates for both resident and non-resident individuals;
- The introduction of strengthened rules to combat avoidance and evasion, including new restrictions on the use of treaty benefits, further development of beneficial ownerships, permanent establishment rules, and income source rules;
- The mutual agreement procedure (MAP), including the procedure for requesting additional information and the procedure for implementing the decisions adopted under the procedure, would be revised;and
- Russia plans to participate in the joint G-20/OECD project on the reform of international taxation (pillar 1 and pillar 2) and join the relevant resulting international instruments.