On 11 August 2021, the Colombian National Tax Authority (Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales-DIAN) has issued Resolution No. 000072 setting out the procedure of the submission of the transfer pricing return and CbC notification for the tax year 2020 or part of the tax year 2021.

Transfer pricing information return must be submitted via the DIAN electronic information service (using format 1125 of version 13) by following specific steps for completing Form 120. The transfer pricing return Form 120 must be submitted via the DIAN electronic information service with the electronic signature authorized by the DIAN.

CbC notification is also provided as part of form 120 (boxes 37 to 44). For those companies that are not required to submit form 120, the CbC report notification is sent by email to preciostransferencia@dian.gov.co, using the Excel format, presented on the DIAN website.