The Greek parliament is reviewing a draft bill from the Ministry of Finance, submitted on 2 September 2024. The bill proposes eliminating stamp duty and introducing a new digital transaction fee of up to 3.6% on certain transactions.

The new digital transaction fee will specifically apply to various transactions, including loans, current accounts, deposits and withdrawals, and the sale of movable property or intangible goods. It will also cover the transfer of businesses, distribution of inheritance and shared property, settlements, compensation, fees, default and statutory interest, bank checks, subscriptions to professional chambers and associations, prizes, awards, and other designated contracts.

The digital transaction fee will be imposed on designated transactions irrespective of location, provided that at least one party is a tax resident or has a permanent establishment in Greece and the transaction is related to the activities of that establishment.

The digital transaction fee will apply to transactions executed or finalised from 1 January 2025 onward.

However, Transactions completed by 31 December 2024 will still be subject to stamp duty.